"There's nothing I would achieve that would make me feel more successful. Nothing. Those who call me successful because of what they consider ACHIEVEMENT are wrong. 

What makes me feel successful is the every day waking up, inability to sleep at night because I'm brainstorming on how to solve a problem, failed attempts and then the excitement of little victories. The process is where the vibe is... The cars, homes, followers, influence etc are EMPTY and vanishes - but the feeling of the HUNT, the sweat of pursuit, the Passion of the thrust and the craze of the race is the pleasure of success. 

In the school of success, satisfaction doesn't come at orgasm, it cums with every thrust.

Enjoy the ride - ignore the climax."
~ Dr. Charles Awuzie ~
Success is a word that has been thrown around so much that its meaning has become ambiguous. To many, it is defined by the accumulation of material possessions and social status. To others, it is about achieving a certain level of recognition, power, or influence. But what if I told you that success is not about any of these things? What if I told you that there is nothing you could achieve that would make you feel more successful? Nothing. The truth is that success is not about what you achieve but how you achieve it.

Success is a process, not an event. It is a journey, not a destination. It is not something you can acquire, but something you can experience. Success is about the daily grind, the hustle, the determination to overcome obstacles, and the relentless pursuit of your goals.

According to my mentor (Dr. Charles Awuzie), success is not about the things we have achieved or the accolades we have received. It is not about the cars we drive, the homes we own, the followers we have, or the influence we wield. These things are empty and transient. They come and go like the passing wind, leaving no lasting impact.

What makes us feel successful is the every day waking up, the inability to sleep at night because we're brainstorming on how to solve a problem, the failed attempts, and then the excitement of little victories. The process is where the vibe is. The journey is where the magic happens.

The sweat of pursuit, the passion of the thrust, and the craze of the race are the pleasure of success. In the school of success, satisfaction doesn't come at orgasm, it cums with every thrust. It is the journey, the process, the daily grind that brings the ultimate satisfaction.

Success is not about achieving some predetermined outcome, but about the pursuit of excellence. It is about striving to be the best version of yourself, to push yourself beyond your limits, and to never give up in the face of adversity.

Success is about taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from them. It is about being willing to fail, to stumble, and to pick yourself up and try again. It is about having the courage to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown.

Success is not about being perfect, but about being authentic. It is about being true to yourself, your values, and your vision. It is about living your life on your own terms and not being defined by the opinions of others.

Success is not about what you achieve, but how you achieve it. It is about the journey, the process, and the daily grind. It is about the sweat of pursuit, the passion of the thrust, and the craze of the race. This is what makes us feel successful, and nothing else can come close to it.

To fully understand the concept of success, it is essential to realize that it is a personal journey. What may be considered successful for one person may not be the same for another. It is a subjective experience that varies from individual to individual.

Success should not be measured by external factors such as wealth, power, or fame. Instead, it should be measured by how much progress you have made towards your goals, how much you have grown as a person, and how much happiness and fulfillment you have found in the process.

Success is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. It is not just about reaching a particular destination, but about making progress towards your ultimate vision. It requires a mindset of constant learning, growth, and improvement.

In the pursuit of success, it is also important to keep in mind that failure is an inevitable part of the process. It is through failure that we learn the most important lessons and gain valuable experience. Success is not about avoiding failure, but about learning from it and using it to propel yourself forward.

The pursuit of success can be challenging, and it requires a great deal of discipline, perseverance, and resilience. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and face the unknown. But it is through this process that we discover our true potential and become the best version of ourselves.

The feeling of success is not something that can be attained by external achievements or validation from others. It is a feeling that comes from within, from knowing that you have given your best effort, and from the satisfaction of knowing that you have achieved something meaningful.

The joy of success is not in the end result, but in the journey itself. It is in the process of discovering your strengths, overcoming your weaknesses, and pushing yourself to new heights. It is in the daily grind, the hustle, and the determination to keep going even when things get tough.

The idea that success is not about what you achieve, but how you achieve it is a fundamental shift in the way we think about success. It means that success is not just about the end result, but also about the journey you take to get there. This perspective has important implications for how we approach our goals, both in our personal and professional lives.

For starters, it means that we need to focus on the process of achieving our goals, not just the outcome. This means breaking our goals down into smaller, more manageable steps and focusing on making progress towards them every day. It also means being willing to adjust our approach when we encounter obstacles or setbacks, and being open to learning from our mistakes.

Another implication of this perspective is that we need to be mindful of the values that drive us. Success is not just about achieving goals, but about doing so in a way that is aligned with our values and principles. This means being clear about what matters to us and making choices that reflect those values, even when it's hard or unpopular.

Finally, this perspective on success highlights the importance of embracing the journey and finding joy in the process of growth and self-discovery. When we focus too much on the outcome, we risk missing out on the richness and complexity of the experiences that lead us there. But when we approach our goals with a sense of curiosity, wonder, and enthusiasm, we can find meaning and purpose in even the smallest victories and setbacks.

Of course, this perspective on success is not without its challenges. It can be difficult to stay motivated and focused when the end result feels far off or uncertain. It can also be challenging to balance the need for progress with the need for self-care and rest.

But ultimately, I believe that this perspective on success is a more sustainable and fulfilling way of approaching our goals. By focusing on the process, staying true to our values, and finding joy in the journey, we can experience a sense of success that is enduring and meaningful, rather than fleeting and empty.
In conclusion, success is not about what you achieve, but how you achieve it and it is not accumulation of material possessions or social status. It is about the pursuit of excellence, the daily grind, and the relentless pursuit of your goals. It is about being true to yourself and living your life on your own terms. Success is not something you can acquire, but something you can experience. So don't focus on what you achieve, but how you achieve it. The journey is where the magic happens, and this is what makes all the difference.

 Also, success is about the process of growth and self-discovery, about living in alignment with our values and principles, and finding joy in the journey. It is about the sweat of pursuit, the passion of the thrust, and the craze of the race. Ultimately, success is not something we can acquire, but something we can experience in every moment of our lives.

Here are some website references related to the topic of success and achieving goals:

These websites provide a wealth of information and resources on how to achieve success and reach your goals, both personally and professionally.


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